Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mini-Lesson #29- Making space for sad feelings

Today's lesson is in a slightly different format!  Mrs. G loves to mix things up!  Today I want you to watch a short clip from the movie Inside Out before you watch my video.  For those of you who haven't seen the movie it is about a girl named Riley who has a difficult time adjusting after her family moves across the country.  The main characters in the movie are Riley's emotions.  Throughout most of the movie Joy attempts to keep Sadness away from Riley and from Riley's memories because Joy worries that Sadness will ruin the memories.
Sadness helps Riley

What did you think?  Why is this clip called Sadness helps Riley?  Can sad feelings ever help us?  If possible, chat with someone at home about these questions.  Now, watch my video and lets think about it together!

Follow Up Activities:
  • How can you make space for sad/lonely/disappointed feelings when they come up?  You may choose to look at your Reboot Strategy Jar for ideas (Mini-Lesson #18).
  • Does music help you to be with sad feelings?  Do you have a particular go-to song?  I love the song Wildflowers by Tom Petty.  Please listen to it and know that this is how I feel about you.  

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