Small Group Work

Throughout the school year students have the opportunity to be involved in small group work, which take place in my school counselor office.  Most groups take place at lunch or snack times and are made up of 2-6 students.  Many of my lunch and snack groups are informal and serve to help students to make connections and build their social skills.  We often play cooperative games, take turns sharing about ourselves, and talk about our school likes and dislikes.  My goal in these informal groups is to build collaboration and communication skills, while ensuring all of our students feel connected to peers, as well as connected to me.  Students may request to have an informal lunch or snack with me and they may also be invited by a peer.    

Structured groups, around specific topics and skills, are also offered as needed throughout the school year.  These groups usually run for 4-8 weeks, during which goals are set and planned activities take place.  At the end of the group I will take time to evaluate where each student is in terms of the goals set and determine what (if any)  follow up needs may exists.   If your child's teacher and I think your child may benefit from this kind of group, we will communicate with you and get permission before beginning the group.

If you think your child may benefit from meeting with me in a group setting, please reach out so we can make a plan.

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