Thursday, May 28, 2020

Mini Lesson #48- Sleep and Exercise

Today we are following up on our habit work from yesterday.  We are going to focus on two of the most important healthy habits that all kids (adults too) should be building.
Follow Up Activities:
  • Calculate how much sleep you are getting at night.  Is it at least 9 hours most nights?  If so, good work!  Maintain that good sleep habit!  If not, figure out what the problem is and how to fix it.  Are you staying up too late?  Are you having a hard time falling asleep?  
  • What is your bedtime routine?  Write it down or make a visual.  If you don't have a bedtime routine or it isn't working, create a new plan together as a family and give it a try.  
  • How much time do you spend being physically active each day?  Is it at least 2 hours?  If not, make a list of your favorite physical activities and add them to your daily schedule.  You might think about playing outside, riding bikes, taking walks or hikes, stretching or yoga, playing sports, dance, or gymnastics.
  • Need more support creating your healthy sleep habit?  Check out these resources: 

    • Episode 7 of Lynn Lyons Podcast, A Mom's Retreat, focuses on sleep and has some great suggestions.  

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