Follow Up Activities:
- Have a family meeting. Make a plan for how your family will spend April vacation. You might choose to stick to some of your remote learning routines, while also incorporating some unexpected at home fun.
- Set an individual goal for something you want to accomplish or an activity you want to spend time doing daily. Choose something that is soothing for you. You might use ideas from your reboot strategy jar. I am going to read for fun every day and take a long walk.
- Have you been feeling bored? PLEASE listen to this awesome read aloud of I'm Bored by Michael Ian Black! It is hysterical and a great reminder that kids are capable of fun, imagination, and innovative ideas all on their own (without a lot of planned activities or other people to entertain them).
Ideas For Vacation Week:
- Plan a virtual family field trip! The Gallagher's have been wanting to do a tour of some of the National Parks. We are going to use the week to check out Zion and Yosemite!
- Cape Community Services has come up with a ton of awesome ideas for vacation week. They are also encouraging that you share pictures with them on their FaceBook site. Check out their packet:
- Check out the Team Gallagher April Vacation activity list for ideas:
- Family field day- obstacle course
- Tailgating in the driveway
- All day movie day
- Start a kindness boomerang
- Spa day
- Ice cream for lunch
- Scavenger hunt
- Living room sleepover
- Bedroom makeover
- One on one time for each kid
- Picnic in the woods
- Make a garden
- Treasure hunt
- STEM Day
- National Park Day- virtual tours
- Kids cook day
- Daily fun challenge- minute to win it
- Backyard campground & possible campout outside
- Check out Noah's suggestions. Noah is my Cape High School intern!
- Walking your dog around the neighborhood if you have a dog
- Playing board games with your family
- Drawing/Arts and crafts
- Going on a bike ride
- Check out the wilderness trails Cape Elizabeth has (Green Belt, Robinson Woods)
- Re-decorate your room
- If you’re into sports, toss the ball around with your siblings or family
- Bake food with your family
- Build a ferry house in the woods
- Help cook dinner one night with your parents
- Watch a movie
- Read a book
- Build a fort out of couch cushions, or build a fort in the woods
- Check out this article for 125 ideas:
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