Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mini-Lesson #38- Making Choices That Match Your Mantra

Want today to be a great day?  Focus on making choices that lead you on the right path!

Follow Up Activities:

  • Think about the mantra you have created for yourself.  Now, think about what you want your day to look like.

Ben in third grade is using this great mantra to take his time and do his best work.
  • What choices do you need to make to have the kind of day that you imagined?  Maybe you are going to check into your Google Classroom and make a plan to get all of your work done,  You might choose to get started on your school work without arguing with your parents or trying to avoid it.  You might choose to do an activity during your free time that you know goes well and makes you feel good.  
  • If you haven't already, check out the awesome read aloud, What Should Danny Do?,  to better understand the power of your choices.  

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