Monday, November 9, 2020

Mini-Lesson #14- Mindful Read-Aloud

 In the next few mini-lessons we are going to be focused on how our thoughts, feelings, and actions are connected.  But first we need to slow down our mind and body and pay attention to what is going on inside.  Let's use the read aloud, Breathe Like A Bear, to practice using our breath to check in with ourselves. 

Follow Up Activities:

  • Notice when you need to take a breath today.  Give yourself a few seconds to focus on breathing in deeply and then letting it all out.  How does taking a few mindful breaths change how you feel and think?  
  • Do you have a quiet and cozy "cave" where you are today?  If you need to take space to breathe and check in with yourself, where can you go? 

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