Monday, April 13, 2020

Mini-Lesson #21- Mindful Monday (Building)

Did you know that you can practice mindfulness with Legos?  Watch today's Mindfulness Monday video to find out how!

Follow-Up Activities:
  • Get out some building materials and make a tower.  Each time you add a block take a deep breath and let it out.  You can do this by yourself or follow along with me in the video
  • Create a brick mandala.  Use Legos or other building materials to create a pattern.  You may want to choose colors that represent how you feel.  
  • Use building materials to show how you are feeling today.  Build your feelings and thoughts!
  • Looking for more ideas!  Check out the Brick Counselor!  


  1. This is great for my little builder! Thank you!
    Was hoping we might see a post sometime about coping strategies for kids without siblings. Seeing lots of commentary on games and coping with siblings but it would be great to have some guidance/acknowledgement for a kid navigating these times alone with just adults. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

    1. Great idea! I have been engaging with a lot of families with only one child at home and talking about the unique struggles for kids who do not have siblings to play with. I've tried my best to create lessons that are applicable to all families but will work harder to address the struggle of only children. Thanks for the feedback.
